Committee Members

The officers of the Association shall be a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer (collectively the “Officers”) who must all be members of the Association.

The committee (“Committee”) shall consist of the Officers and either two or four ordinary members elected at an AGM.

The Committee, voted at the AGM on June 30, 2020, are as follows:

Chair – Mike Morrison

Mike is the CEO of KPMG in Bermuda and a Managing Director at the firm specializing in restructuring. Mike has 30 years of restructuring experience specializing in the financial services sector and also has considerable experience in the oil and gas, telecommunications and retail sectors. Mike often acts as a court appointed liquidator and as a receiver for secured lenders. Mike has considerable cross-border experience and has acted as liquidator in a number of other jurisdictions and as a foreign representative in numerous Chapter 15 cases before the US Bankruptcy Court. Mike has acted as an inspector for the Minister of Finance for Bermuda and for the Bermuda Monetary Authority. Mike also provides advice to reinsurance groups and specializes in providing advice to the insurance run-off sector.

Secretary – Mathew Clingerman

Mathew is the Managing Director of KRyS Global in Bermuda. Starting his career as an auditor and subsequently obtaining his Fellow from INSOL International, Matt brings the right touch of professional skepticism along with practical experience in understanding and addressing complex difficulties. Stakeholders benefit from his unwavering approach, logical analysis and assertive leadership. Where fact finding and diagnosis are required, he is able to connect all of the dots to determine the complete story, therefore discovering all possible avenues for pursuing asset recoveries where losses have occurred.

Treasurer – Rachelle Frisby

Rachelle is a Partner at Deloitte in Bermuda. Rachelle has over 20 years of experience in public accounting in Canada and Bermuda. She acts as a liquidator for reinsurance companies, hedge funds, and local operating companies, many with assets located outside of the jurisdiction, and as a receiver for local banks. She has performed independent business reviews of debtor clients of financial institutions, and conducted forensic investigations on improper uses of funds and employee theft for regulators, local and international businesses. Rachelle oversees the Financial Advisory group at Deloitte in BVI, which provides restructuring, compliance, and accounting services. Rachelle is a Fellow of INSOL.

Additional Committee Members

Kehinde George

Kehinde is Head of Insolvency and a founding partner of ASW Law. Kehinde has practiced in Bermuda since 1995, having previously practiced as a corporate/commercial lawyer for three years respectively at Turner Kenneth Brown and Stephenson Harwood in London, and for four years at the UK Department of Trade and Industry advising on insolvency law and policy. Her particular experience is in corporate restructuring and insolvency. She has advised liquidators, provisional liquidators, creditors and regulators in relation to numerous local and cross-border insolvencies and restructurings and schemes of arrangement.

Nick Miles

Nick is the Head of the Corporate/Corporate Finance Division and a Partner of Kennedys, an independent Bermuda law firm. He has advised and represented companies, creditors, liquidators, provisional liquidators, investors and company directors in connection with a large number of non-contentious and contentious domestic and cross-border restructuring and insolvency matters. He is a ranked/recommended lawyer in the Chambers and Legal 500 legal directories.

John Wasty

John is Global Head of Dispute Resolution and Head of Bermuda’s Dispute Resolution practice. In his Bermuda role, he also leads the Bermuda Insolvency and Restructuring team and the Regulatory Disputes team. John also leads the Insurance and Reinsurance disputes practice globally.

He specialises in the areas of commercial litigation, restructuring, insolvency litigation, funds litigation and regulatory matters. He has represented clients in a wide variety of commercial disputes in Bermuda, London, the US, Europe and Asia. John frequently advises on a wide variety of contentious insolvency matters, complex multi-jurisdictional restructurings and all issues arising out of schemes of arrangement. He is also frequently involved in major arbitrations in Bermuda and internationally in both commercial and insurance/reinsurance matters.

Lilla Zuill

Lilla is the Managing Partner of Zuill & Co, a Bermuda legal practice operating in conjunction with Harney Westwood & Riegels. Her areas of concentration are commercial litigation, insolvency and corporate restructuring, enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitration awards.

James Ferris (assisting the Committee)

James has over 20 years restructuring and insolvency experience and leads the PwC Bermuda restructuring practice. He has spent his career supporting businesses restructure with high profile cases including Enron, Lehman Bros and Kaupthing group entities. He is currently Provisional Liquidator or Liquidator of a number of Bermuda entities (including listed entities); supporting restructuring efforts as well as winding down entities and distributing assets to creditors. He has designed and led a number of innovative Schemes of Arrangement to accelerate closure of solvent and insolvent companies,