Restructuring and Insolvency Specialists Association of Bermuda (“RISA Bermuda” or the “Association”) was formed in June 2015 to promote the support and development of the insolvency and restructuring industry in Bermuda and to undertake any activity which may be conducive or incidental to the support and development of the insolvency and restructuring industry, including promoting the awareness of any opportunities within the profession within the educational establishment of Bermuda.
This includes:

Promoting, supporting, advancing, and protecting the interests of those engaged in the insolvency and restructuring industry in Bermuda and those whose business includes the provision of facilities or services for such industry and of any other persons in any way connected with or engaged in any business related to insolvency or restructuring in Bermuda;
Promoting, supporting, opposing, or proposing changes in the laws and regulations in Bermuda and elsewhere and in the rules and policies of organisations both national and international as may be relevant to the objects of the Association;
Providing advice, assistance, information and related services to members of the Association in relation to insolvency and restructuring and to increase and promote the use and application of transparency, best practices and due diligence in the insolvency and restructuring industry; and Promoting membership of recognized international insolvency bodies such as INSOL and to promote Bermuda generally through those bodies.
RISA Bermuda’s members can be found on the Practicing Members Listing page.
Past and upcoming learning sessions can be found on the Education page.
RISA Bermuda is a proud member of INSOL International.